We have had a president who played a cowboy in the movies. But Ronald Reagan, despite his love of his horses and his ranch, knew he was no cowboy and knew he wasn't really up for a high noon style pistol duel. We have had a president in George W Bush, who lived on a ranch in Texas who sent us cowboy-like into wars of choice in the middle East and on the Asian continent. He could fly a plane, but he knew that he couldn't single handedly dive bomb his enemies into submission. And when he retired he took up a less macho hobby and bought a house in the suburbs. Now we have Trump who went to a military high school, but like many of his generation, dodged the draft. Who could blame him? Vietnam was literally a sucking swamp,destined to fail from day one. But now this man envisions himself rushing unarmed into a hail of bullets? This man who lies in bed watching only his supporters on Fox News while munching on McDonald's sees himself as an avenging angel who could have halt...